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Tales from a Lip Balm Queen 👑

Other than my hand sanitiser, my lip balm is my most used product. My loyal lip balms go everywhere with me; I have one in my bag, car and bedside table. It took me years of searching, trialling and testing to find what works best for me and my smoochers....

The Science of Manuka Honey in Skincare

Some of our most frequently asked questions are unsurprisingly about one of our star ingredients; Manuka honey. So we thought we'd de-bunk a few myths and get the scientifically supported facts out there...

Do you Hibernate in Winter?

Winter can be a difficult time of year to look after yourself, especially if you live in the colder parts of the world. It's easy to forget that there is still so much beauty and wellness to be found outdoors. We just have to wrap up warm and explore!

Find a Simple Skin Routine for Your Skin Type

Our skin is unique to us, it changes with age, hormones, environment, seasons and stress. Looking after your skin can be tricky if you're not sure what it needs. Your skin type is one important indication of that and so we often use it as a way to determine how...

Are you Addicted to Your Lip Balm?

We've all heard our friend say, "I'm so addicted to my new lip balm", but can you actually be addicted to a lip balm or is it all just anecdotal evidence gone awry?  You might be surprised to find that science says... It really depends on a few factors; the...

The Art of Aging & Wrinkles

I'm 35 years old, I spent my entire childhood in the strong Aotearoa sun and during a time where sunblock was second to a 'protective' tan. My skin has been regenerating for quite a while and since the age of 25, it began to thin and lose its elasticity. I've...

How to Redeem your Loyalty Points

We started our Loyalty Club so we could reward our ongoing customers for your support with each online order you make. Here is a wee guide to help you redeem your points 😘

Hand Health is Pivotal Right Now

One of the reasons we expanded our skincare range to Health & Wellness was because we want to create more homegrown options for Kiwi families. And as we've all come to realise, hand health is pivotal to defending your body from unwanted bacteria and viruses. 

The Beauty of Simple Skincare

I used to be someone who had a skincare routine that involved at least seven steps. Then I got into my mid-thirties and reevaluated what was and what wasn't working for my new skin. Because as we get older our skin changes dramatically.  Our hormones have a big part to...

Shop Online, Skip The Malls & Support Local

Yesterday I drove to my closest mall, spent 15 minutes driving in circles to find a carpark. I walked from the gorgeous hot and sunny day into a cold and fluorescent lit building that was packed with people. I stopped, heard the blaring carols, glanced at the stressed crowd and walked back to...

Which Skincare You Buy Matters But Why?

One of the most searched terms on Google is 'natural skincare'. Why? Because most of us have been on a journey of what I'd like to call 'consumer awakening'. More and more people are realising that their actions, particularly what they buy and who they buy from matters.  'Green Washing'...

Hand Massage At Home

I have a confession to make; I'm 35 and I've never looked after my hands before. I never saw the point, my skin has always been on the oily side and my job involves using my computer all-day. I'm more at risk for RSI than cracked or dry hands.  That...

My Sensitive Skin Journey So-Far (And all I've learnt)

I have sensitive skin. What does this mean? Well for me it means that my skin has an inflammatory response to almost everything I put on it. Essentially the little protective barrier soldiers on my skin don't know the difference between safe substances and unsafe ones. My skin can develop itchy hives after...

Health & Wellness

As much as our skincare ranges are a large part of our ongoing brand, this new range has us excited for new reasons; we're able to help keep you and your family safe. That's not something we've been able to say or do before and it's a really great feeling....

5 Reasons Why Propolis Is In Your Personal Care Products

What is Propolis? Probably, an ingredient you have never heard of before however this new ingredient has been around for millions of years and has been used by mankind for thousands of years.  Propolis is a sticky resin which seeps… The post 5 Reasons Why Propolis Is In Your Personal...

Smiles Cost Nothing: Kindness In Lockdown

The word ‘kindness’ has been repeated many times by Jacinda Adern (PM of NZ) over the last few weeks. It’s something that sets her apart from many of her global counterparts and it seems to be the current main driver… The post Smiles Cost Nothing: Kindness In Lockdown appeared first...